
Good Reads

Vessel News

VESSEL Vape & Dry Herb Academy

Hemp vs. Cannabis - What’s The Difference?

Hemp vs. Cannabis - What’s The Difference?

Learn the difference between hemp vs cannabis to understand the potential benefits of each, how they're grown their properties, and more.

  • 4 min read
A one hitter dugout makes packing up and storing cannabis easier. They’re a popular accessory item and people can choose from different colors, materials, and sizes. Keep your lifestyle and cannabis needs in mind as you search around for your favorite. 
  • 4 min read
A wooden dugout is an easy and convenient way to store and smoke your cannabis. Here's how to make one yourself!
  • 4 min read
Chillums are convenient and pretty darn cool. They’re also easy to use after some practice. Beginners or regular smokers should all use a chillum with a buddy at least once for the experience.