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What Is Hemp Oil? (Everything You Need To Know)

Looking to achieve all of the potential benefits offered by cannabis, but not interested in the high? Hemp oil may be just the rightaddition to your self-care routine. As increased interest and acceptance toward the cannabis plant continues to grow, hemp oil appears to be gaining significant traction in the health and wellness industry. Let’s explore what makes this non-psychoactive plant oil a possible game-changer. 

What is hemp oil?

Hemp oil is obtained through the collection and pressing of hemp seeds. These seeds can come from both hemp plants and marijuana plants —two different varieties of the cannabis plant. Typically cold pressed with a hydraulic press, hemp oil can be light to dark green in color and possess a slightly nutty flavor and scent. The darker the oil appears, the more herbaceous the taste and overall aroma. 

Hemp oil can containall cannabinoids available to it, such as any combination of CBD, THC, CBG, etc. as well as many other organic plant compounds. This combination depends largely on what kind of plant the oil is being extracted from. 

Benefits of hemp oil

Potential benefits of hemp oil may include:

Hemp oil vs. CBD (What’s the difference?)

Hemp oil — especially that of the full spectrum variety — is sometimes referred to interchangeably as full spectrum CBD. However, this comparison of hemp oil vs. CBD isn’t quite accurate. Hemp oil is often used for its CBD content, but isn’t limited to such. As a more encompassing extract, hemp oil does not limit its natural plant compounds to just CBD, but other cannabinoids, terpenes and organic matter. 

Pure hemp oil, obtained from industrial hemp plants, may differ from its marijuana-derived counterparts in this regard. Whole plant hemp oil of either varietal should benefit from a less severe extraction process though, potentially allowing for more positive, therapeutic effects. 

Some prefer the use of hemp oil over that of pure CBD oil for this reason. Citing that the different parts of the hemp plantwork more harmoniously together, cannabis’s“entourage effect” presents the idea that these partsinteract synergistically to amplify their potential benefits or produce more well-rounded effects as opposed to cannabis isolates that contain just a single cannabinoid / cannabidiol, such as CBD. 

How to use hemp oil

Hemp oil has quickly established a strong presence in nutrition-based and self-care industries. As more people become interested in alternative health options / more natural holistic practices, marketplaces are continuing to see an influx in hemp product demand.Hemp product sales increased significantly in the last few decades, from less than $1 million in the 1990s, to more than $40 million in 2002. 

Many of these hemp oil products can be found in body care and food applications. Rich in fatty acids such as omega-3’s and omega-6’s, hemp oil is considered ideal for moisturizing and soothing. This is why hemp extract may make for a great ingredient in products like lotions, salves, soaps, hair treatments, facial oils and more. With that being said, hemp oil can also be applied more simply, or consumed in a capsule or edible form. 

Is hemp oil legal?

Most hemp oil and hemp oil products on the market originate from industrial hemp plants, largely separating themselves from marijuana and products that may produce a high. This allows for hemp oil to avoid many of the legal hang-ups marijuana typically faces. 

With that being said, hemp oil products containing whole plant hemp extract must containless than or equal to just .3% THC by weight — any more than this and the product will be considered a marijuana product. Again, the typically trace amounts of THC found in a majority of hemp oils are not thought to cause any psychoactive effects.

Tips for buying the best hemp oil

Hemp oil can be found in both topical and oral forms. But, no matter the choice in form, buyers should focus on choosing a high quality hemp oil product. Unfortunately, as an oil, low quality hemp oil products sometimes suffer from extreme dilution via carrier oil, typically done to cut down on costs. This is why you should make a point to examine the product’s label for a few different things: that it’s made from U.S. grown hemp, that it’s been third-party tested, and — if cannabis legality is a concern — that it contains a THC content of less than 0.3 percent. 

These guidelines also tie directly into the idea of only buying hemp oil and hemp oil products from reputable sources. While it may seem like there’s an almost overwhelming amount of hemp oil products on the market, many of them are not of high quality or potency. Because there are currentlyno FDA approved products containing CBD, a lack of regulation makes it more of a challenge to find reliable, effective hemp oil. Keeping an eye out for origin, testing results and potency helps buyers get exactly what they’re looking for. 

To sum it up

With continued marketplace growth and public interest, it seems inevitable hemp oil will also be further researched and understood. However, it seems clear already that the unique extract possesses a variety of potential benefits for your body both internally and externally. Simply taking the time to study which application / use and products will serve you best can make hemp oil a self-care staple in more ways than one. 


What is hemp oil good for? 

Hemp oil can be good for a variety of different things. However, hemp oil has recently become increasingly popular in the self-care / health and wellness industry. Found in everything from skin salves and lip balms, to health foods and cosmetics, the fatty-acid rich hemp oil can be applied many different ways for different desired effects. Many use the extract tosoothe irritated skin,ease anxiety andtreat pain /swelling

Are CBD oil and hemp oil the same thing?

Hemp oil and CBD oil are not quite the same thing and differ slightly in a few ways. Many hemp oil users enjoy the benefits of CBD, but are sometimes looking for morewell-rounded potential effects via the entourage effect and the presence of other terpenes, cannabinoids, etc. CBD oil doesn’t typically possess all of these other organic compounds and represents more of an isolate. In short: hemp oil can contain CBD — and many other potentially beneficial cannabis / hemp plant compounds — while CBD oil serves as a single cannabinoid extract. 

Is hemp oil good for pain?

Hemp oil may bepotentially helpful in pain management. The rich oil’s extremely moisturizing and soothing properties have been thought toreduce skin irritation andswelling. Many think the oil’s variety of cannabinoids, like that of CBD, help reduce tension and body aches. It’s this combination of relief that makes hemp oil a good candidate to solve those pesky bodily annoyances and pains. 

Is hemp oil safe to take?

Quality hemp oil can be taken orally without any issue. Whether it’s through edibles, capsules or droppers, hemp oil is safe to consume. Hemp oil has actually become increasinglymore popular in natural health foods like hummus, cereal and nutrition bars. The oil can serve as a fatty acid supplement and even contains trace amounts of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. 

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