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How to Build Your Own Grow Room in the Garage or Shed?

How to Build Your Own Grow Room in the Garage or Shed?

Shopping at a dispensary is always an adventure, but for the green thumbs out there looking to dive deeper into the cannabis world, setting up your own grow room could be your next big project. It's a great way to save some cash and get hands-on with your bud, but first… you've got to build that grow room.

Luckily, we’re here to help. In this article, we’ll help you turn your spacious garage or unused shed into your very own grow room, complete with all the tools and materials you need to grow some fresh cannabis. Let’s get started!

Related: How To Create The Best Outdoor Grow Setup For Cannabis

How to build a grow room

Ready to transform your garage or shed into a thriving cannabis garden? Here’s an overview of everything we need to do. Don’t worry – we’ll go through all the steps in detail later.

  • Step 1: Measure the dedicated space for your grow room.
  • Step 2: Find your power source.
  • Step 3: Identify your water source.
  • Step 4: Plan out the insulation and ventilation.
  • Step 5: Lightproof your grow room.
  • Step 6: Plan out your temperature control setup.
  • Step 7: Set up the planters and lights.
  • Step 8: Designate your workspace.
  • Step 9: Choose your cannabis strain/s.
  • Step 10: Create your harvesting schedule and plans.

    Materials you need to build a cannabis grow room

    • Tape measure
    • 240-volt household power socket
    • Power strip
    • Plumbing tools and supplies (if installing a water source on your own)
    • Insulation materials for walls and ceiling
    • Ventilation system (fans and ducting)
    • Light-proofing materials (sealants, thick drapes, etc.)
    • Temperature control devices (heater, cooling unit, humidifier/dehumidifier)
    • Garden tables
    • Full-spectrum grow lights
    • Workspace furniture (table, chair)
    • Gardening tools (shears, soil nutrients)
    • Mason jars (for trimming and drying)
    • Cannabis seeds or sprouted plants
    • Grow tent (optional, for added insulation and temperature control)

    1. Size Your Grow Space

    The first step is to take measurements of the space available to use as a grow room. For just one or two plants, a large closet cupboard will do. However, for a few tables of plants, you'll want a reasonably large square footage to dedicate as a grow room. Figure out how much space you have and how many plants you could reasonably grow within. Don't forget to leave room for you to walk around and work with the plants in your most-secure space.

    For a small grow operation in a large space, you may want to tape out a designated area within your garage or shed that will be sealed for growing perfect crops.

    2. Identify Your Power Source

    The second step is to ensure you have electric power. You'll need electricity to run the grow lights, ventilation fans, and any heating/cooling your grow room might need to keep it in the ideal temperature zone throughout the year.

    You will need at least one 240-volt household power socket and power strip to split that voltage between several of the devices needed for efficient indoor growing. Your garage may already have buried power lines to provide for the lights and garage door, but a shed might not, yet.

    3. Plumb In a Water Source

    You will also need a water source to keep your cannabis plants watered and happy - and for some washing up that is typically involved in garden tasks. Plumbing in an extra sink from your home is a large but not necessarily difficult DIY task, or you can call a plumber to run a professional line and install a new sink for you near the grow compartment of your garage or shed.

    4. Finish the Space with Insulation and Ventilation

    With access to power and water, it's time to finish the space. Make sure you have a good, sturdy flooring (not carpet) and that the walls and ceiling are sealed. If there aren't walls or a ceiling, have contractors come to "finish" the space . During this process, add insulation between the outer and inner walls to ensure that you have better temperature control over your growing operation space.

    Ventilation is also a must, and should go in during the finishing stage. Make sure there is powered airflow through the garage or shed. This will keep the air from getting stuffy through the insulation and provide fresh, healthy air to your cannabis plants as they grow.

    5. Light-Seal the Space for Light-Level Control

    Cultivating plants to grow quickly or in a certain way means typically "outsmarting" the plant's instincts to grow naturally. This includes the plant's reaction to light, as light tells your plants "what time it is" and therefore paces its production. In order to take full control of your grow room, you'll want it light-tight. This means that no extra light gets into the room when you switch off the main light so that you can control your plants growth and production cycle more closely.

    6. Prepare for Temperature Control

    Next, prepare to take control of the temperature in your garage or shed. Insulation should help, and some people use a fully insulated grow tent - available from closet-sized to the size of a large room - to get it just right. 

    Temperature control is not just about insulation, you may also need to add a space heater, a cooling window unit, and a humidifier/dehumidifier to make sure that your plants always have the right level of heat and humidity to grow at their best. Each strain, for example, may even need a specific level of light, ventilation, heat, and humidity for the best performance.

    7. Install your Garden Tables and Grow Lights

    Now you are finally ready to install your grow lights and lay your cannabis beds. Deep planter tables make it possible to tend to your cannabis plants without bending or stooping. Hang warm full-spectrum grow lights above each table to provide an incredible concentration of light that your cannabis plants will drink in during your lighted hours and grow with lingering radiance during dark hours.

    8. Arrange Your Workflow

    Set up your own workspace near or inside your grow room. Make sure every table has room for the supplies you need like soil nutrients. Set up a table with trimming and drying supplies including gardening shears and a large number of empty, clean glass mason jars. Give yourself a place to sit and work, and a computer terminal to track your progress and make sure you are growing just the way you want to.

    9. Buy Your Cannabis Seeds

    When your grow room is done, it's time to prepare your planters and lay the seeds. If you haven't already, choose your favorite strains and order a few seeds from certified cannabis seed sources. There are several great brands and websites to choose from that can get you started on delicious beginner-friendly plants.

    You can also buy small sprouted cannabis plants from some dispensaries or local grow ops to help you get started.

    10. Have a Plan for Production

    Finally, know what you're going to do with all that bud once you get it. Study the curing process and have tons of dry herb vaping, smoking, concentrating, or cooking ideas because once your pot plants get going, you'll have more cannabis flower than you know what to do with. At VESSEL, we can help out with great dry herb vaporizers and gear that you can use at home or bundle with huge jars of cannabis given as gifts to your friends.

    Building your own grow room can be incredibly rewarding. For more cool cannabis answers, resources, and finely engineered gear, contact us today.

    Grow room safety tips

    Building a grow room may be an exciting project, but don’t forget to check everything in your safety-first list. Here are some factors worth considering:

    Consider all potential fire hazards

    Electrical components can lead to fires, especially with the high power demands of lighting and ventilation systems. Make sure all electrical components are installed by professionals and follow local electrical codes. Consider using surge protectors and regularly check cords for damage to prevent electrical fires.

    Secure access to your grow room

    Limit access to your grow room only to those aware of the safety precautions. This protects your plants and ensures that pets or kids don’t accidentally enter the room and touch with potentially harmful elements.

    Ensure proper ventilation

    Good ventilation is not just beneficial for plant health. It also prevents mold and mildew build-up, which can pose health risks. Check your ventilation system to make sure there’s proper air circulation inside your grow room.

    Be prepared for emergencies

    Have a plan in place for potential emergencies, including fires, electrical failures, or water leaks. This means having easy access to fire extinguishers, knowing how to quickly cut power to the room, and ensuring there's a clear path for evacuation if necessary.

    Frequently asked questions

    What’s the best material for a grow room?

    Look for materials that combine durability, light reflectivity, and safety. Use high-quality sealants and thick materials to lightproof your room for better plant growth. Vinyl or concrete floors are great options for waterproof floors that are easy to clean. Utilize insulated panels for temperature and humidity regulation. Make sure all materials are non-toxic to maintain a safe environment for you and your plants.

    How to turn a bedroom into a grow room?

    Start by clearing out the space and choosing an easy-to-clean flooring like vinyl. Then, install insulation and lightproofing materials to control light and temperature. Install a ventilation system for air circulation and odor control. Add grow lights, temperature, and humidity controls. Finally, set up your growing tables or containers to keep the space organized for easy maintenance.

    How much space do you need for a grow room?

    Your grow room’s space should depend on how many plants you want to cultivate and the type of setup you want. For a personal grow room, a few square feet in a closet or corner can accommodate 1-2 plants. A tent, shed, or spare bedroom should be enough for a medium-sized setup good for 4-6 plants and more elaborate equipment. A large-sized setup may need an entire basement or garage for multiple rows of plants and professional-grade lighting and ventilation systems.

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