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Cannabis For Weight Loss - Which Strains Work Best?

Cannabis for weight loss—you’re kidding, right? We know what you’re thinking. Everyone who smokes marijuana has a version of the same story involving marijuana and the munchies. But it turns out there’s more to staying lean and smoking the green, according to initial findings. 

People who use cannabis may havesmaller waistlines compared to those who prefer to pass on the grass. Strains featuring cannabinoids such as THC-V and CBD may help you lose weight due to their appetite-altering effects. 

At low doses,THC-V acts like the complete opposite of THC and doesn’t stimulate brain receptors responsible for the munchies. Similarly, CBD-dominant strains can mute the voice in your head that tells you toeat everything. CBD has been said tosuppress appetite more than THC, which goes to show that not all cannabis is the same. 

Check out this itty-bitty list of strains good for curbing the munchies: 

Best cannabis strains for weight loss at a glance




Why it’s great for weight loss

Jack the Ripper

  • Pinene, Terpinolene, and Myrcene. 
  • Sativa
  • THC 17%, ﹤1% CBD
  • High THC-V
  • Sativa effects can stimulate movement

Sour Tsunami 

  • Myrcene, Pinene, and Terpinolene.
  • Sativa-dominant Hybrid. 
  • CBD 11-13%,<10%THC. 
  • Low THC to CBD ratio
  • Helps you avoid stress eating

Durban Poison

  • Terpinolene, Caryophyllene, and Humulene. 
  • Sativa
  • THC 17-26%, ﹤1% CBD
  • Contains THC-V
  • May curb appetite when you microdose 


  • Myrcene and Pinene
  • Sativa
  • CBD 8-15%, ﹤10% THC
  • Reviews call it an all-time favorite 
  • Larger than life CBD content 


  • Linalool, Myrcene, and Limonene
  • Indica
  • 1:1 CBD (15%) and THC (15%)
  • Equal parts THC and CBD may reduce munchies
  • Child strain of Harlequin and Jack the Ripper

Charlotte’s Web 

  • Linalool, Pinene, and Myrcene 
  • Hybrid 
  • CBD 12-13%, ﹤1% THC 
  • Go-to CBD strain without THC “high” 
  • Less likely to bring on munchies

Aliens On Moonshine 

  • Limonene and Myrcene 
  • Indica 
  • CBD 10-36%, ﹤9% THC
  • Highest CBD strain on list
  • May help regulate sleep

Dutch Treat

  • Terpinolene and Myrcene 
  • Indica
  • THC 19-30%, ﹤1% CBD  
  • Suppress appetite with THC-V and sleep easier from Indica effects
  • Helps with anxiety 

Best cannabis strains for weight loss 

Jack the Ripper

Cannabinoid profile:Sativa

Main Terpenes:Pinene, Terpinolene, and Myrcene

This strain needs no introduction, as most people are familiar with the story of Jack the Ripper. Despite the name association, smoking Jack the Ripper won’t turn you into a deranged serial killer, although it may help youslash a few pounds. Jack the Ripper’s high THC-V content and Sativa effects could encourage good behaviors such as eating in moderation and physical activity. Remember to puff slowly and microdose instead of taking this one to the head. 

Reviewers mention feelingenergized and creative with Jack the Ripper. Expect to possibly feel more motivated and get ready to move—the perfect starting point for any diet.   


Sour Tsunami

Cannabinoid profile:Sativa-dominant Hybrid 

Main Terpenes:Myrcene, Pinene, and Terpinolene

If you don’t care for THC, you’ll appreciate Sour Tsunami. This CBD-dominant strain hasanxiety-relieving properties that could keep you from stress eating. Sour Tsunami’s myrcene, pinene, and terpinolene-terpene profile emits a sweet and musky scent to ease your mind. 

With less THC, you may notice that CBD may help regulate your mood andcravings. Sour Tsunami offers a light and productive buzz to keep your mind and stomach off the munchies. 

Durban Poison

Cannabinoid profile:Sativa

Main Terpenes:Terpinolene, Caryophyllene, and Humulene

Durban Poison could be good for weight loss since it features higher than average THC-V levels. Originally from South Africa, Durban Poison has been referred to as the “espresso of cannabis” due to its energizing Sativa effects. You may feel inspired to action, particularly if you’re watching your weight and susceptible to laziness. 

Consuming cannabis has also been tied tolower rates of obesity. We recommend smoking Durban Poison in between daily tasks or workouts for a boost of energy. 


Cannabinoid profile:Sativa

Main Terpenes:Myrcene and Pinene

Harlequin’s high CBD potency offsets the appetite-stimulating effects of THC, which makes this strain a go-to for people trying to lose weight. With upwards of 15% CBD, you’re less prone to sudden, intense cravings and munching. 

Blended within Harlequin’s myrcene and pinene-terpene profile you’ll notice an earthy flavor and pick up subtle notes of mango. The sweetness will be a welcome relief if you’re watching your weight and saying no to dessert! 


Cannabinoid profile:Indica

Main Terpenes:Linalool, Myrcene and Limonene

Pennywise features a one-to-one CBD and THC formula and despite being named after the creepy clown in Stephen King’sIt, this strain has a little something for everyone. If you intend to use cannabis for weight loss, Pennywise has equal parts CBD tonegate cravings brought on by THC. 

It may take some trial-and-error but play around with the dosage until you find out at what point your appetite changes with Pennywise. 

Charlotte’s Web

Cannabinoid profile:Hybrid 

Main Terpenes:Linalool, Pinene, and Myrcene 

Charlotte’s Web is a great hybrid strain starring CBD. With THC levels below 1%, Charlotte’s Web was named in honor of Charlotte Figi, a young girl who used CBD to manage epilepsy. The therapeutic effects of this strain don’t stop there, though, since the high CBD content may work in your favor tomoderate intense cravings

According to onereviewer, Charlotte’s Web helps you control compulsive eating, which is another reason to try this strain for weight loss. 

Aliens On Moonshine

Cannabinoid profile:Indica

Main Terpenes:Limonene and Myrcene 

Here’s the CBD Indica strain to enjoy in the evening, just before bed when late-night cravings come on like clockwork. Aliens On Moonshine soars above the rest with CBD levels ranging from 10-36%. Try this strain to relax and jumpstart a healthier nighttime routine, minus the midnight snacking. 

People who don’t get enough sleep tend toeat for the sake of eating. Using Aliens On Moonshine before bed is one way to try and stay in bed and out of the kitchen. 

Dutch Treat 

Cannabinoid profile:Indica

Main Terpenes:Terpinolene and Myrcene 

Dutch Treatreportedly suppresses appetite, owing to its higher than average THC-V content. If there’s one strain to microdose on this list, Dutch Treat is it, since these THC levels tend to be fairly potent. 

Still, you might feel uber relaxed and free of anxiety once you inhale Dutch Treat’s fragrant eucalyptus perfume. At low doses, Dutch Treat could make it easier to go to sleep rather than eating unneeded snack foods before bed. 

To sum it up

On its own, cannabis won’t make you lose weight. That’s what diet and exercise are for. However, being mindful of the strains you smoke can make a big difference. If overeating is a problem, try to avoid THC-heavy strains and look for ones high in CBD and THC-V. Then, microdose as you go about your day to see how cannabis affects your appetite.  


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