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How Long do Vape Batteries Last?

How Long do Vape Batteries Last?

Vape pen batteries can last anywhere from 4 months to over a year, while disposable vape pen batteries last around 3 to 5 days or until the vape juice runs out (around 300 to 600 puffs). The battery life varies depending on your vape’s battery capacity and your vaping habits.

The lifespan of a vape battery depends on a number of factors, from brand to size. Use this article to learn the basics about vape pen batteries, tips for making them last longer, and how to tell when yours might be on its last legs.

How long does a vape pen battery last?

Several factors affect your vape pen’s battery, and understanding how they work can give you a better idea of how to maximize and enhance your vaping experience.

  • Milliampere Hour (mAh) ratings
  • Capacity Vs Voltage & Amps
  • Variable Wattage
  • Internal vs External batteries
  • Size
  • Battery lifespan

Milliampere Hour (mAh) ratings

Milliampere Hour (mAh) measures the battery's energy storage capacity. A higher mAh rating means the battery can last longer before needing a recharge. So if you’re not satisfied with your current vape pen’s battery life, look for a vape pen with a higher mAh rating for longer, uninterrupted vaping sessions.

Capacity Vs Voltage & Amps

As mentioned earlier, a vape battery’s capacity is indicated by its mAh rating, which means that larger batteries have higher ratings and hold more charge.

Voltage is the force output of a battery, while wattage is the amount of power that goes through the coil. The higher the battery voltage, the higher the wattage, heat, and vapor production. Take care not to exceed your vape pen’s coil's ohm rating to avoid burning out or damaging your oil.

Variable Wattage

Most vaping devices let you customize the wattage for a tailored vaping experience. However, increasing the wattage requires more volts from the battery, which causes faster battery drain. That’s why it’s important to avoid exceeding the coil's safe operating capacity, usually indicated on the coil itself.

Fortunately, nowadays, modern devices usually have chips that read coil resistance and adjust power output, with some allowing manual wattage adjustment.

Internal vs External batteries

Some vapes have built-in batteries, while others have external cells. External batteries can be switched out with higher-capacity ones, which can help increase your usage time between charges. However, external batteries are more liable to damage, especially if their protective plastic film is compromised. 


Most of the time, small vapes have lower-capacity batteries with short battery lifespan, while bigger ones come with equally bigger batteries and higher output coils. When choosing a vape device that’s practical to your lifestyle and daily usage habits.

If you vape for long sessions at a time, you may benefit from a bigger vape device. But if you travel a lot or want something discreet, a small vape pen + second battery/charger may better fit you.

Battery lifespan

As mentioned before, a vape battery’s lifespan ranges from 6 months to a year. There are many factors that affect battery lifespan, but the most important one is the battery's charge cycle.

A full charge cycle is complete when your battery goes from 100% to 0%. Your average vape battery has around 300-500 charges, equivalent to a year’s use for a regular vape user.

To maximize your battery lifespan, watch for tell-tale signs of battery damage like longer charging times and faster battery drain.


Tips for making a vape pen battery last longer 

Never fear: there are a few steps you can take to ensure your vape pen battery lasts as long as possible. Follow these instructions to maximize your vape pen battery’s lifespan. 

Don’t overcharge 

This tip is one of the key components to making your vape pen battery last longer. When charging your vape pen battery, pay close attention to your battery’s indicator lights. Once the battery is fully charged, unplug it and store it fully charged, or use it soon after. Avoid charging your battery overnight: doing so often leads to overcharging, which can damage your battery and shorten its lifespan. 

Keep it clean

Vape pen batteries are often discrete enough to be slipped into a pocket or thrown into a bag. Though this action might be tempting, it can also lead to lint, dust, and debris dirtying your battery. This debris can clog your battery’s connection, both to its charger and to your cartridge. A clogged charging port or connection forces your battery to use more energy to heat your cartridge, exhausting the battery before its time has come. Regularly clean your battery to avoid clogging and extend your vape pen battery’s lifespan. 

Use your battery frequently

It may seem counterintuitive, but batteries were made to be used frequently. A battery that is used sparingly, or sits without use for a while, can lose power. Using your battery on a daily basis, even for a short period, can help to make your vape pen battery last longer. 

Turn off your device when it’s not in use 

Maybe the most obvious piece of advice in this article: powering off your battery when you are not using it can help to save power and extend your vape battery’s lifespan. 

Though your vape pen battery’s eventual death is unfortunately inevitable, there are steps you can take to make your battery live as long as possible. 

How to know when your vape pen battery is bad

When your vape pen battery is going bad, it exhibits a number of symptoms. Keep an eye out for the following signs that your vape pen battery might be dying forever. 

Your battery depletes quickly 

The first telltale sign: when you notice that your battery dies quicker than normal, it might be time to get that replacement battery. Batteries that are on their way out can no longer hold as much power as they once could. As a result, the battery will die quicker between charges. 

Your battery gets hot when it's charging 

If your battery heats up when it's charging or in use, that’s a sign it might be dying for good. When your battery starts to die, it needs to use more power than it previously did. This extra power causes the battery to heat up when it’s charging or in use.

Your battery charges faster than normal…or slower 

When your battery is starting to die, it might charge to maximum capacity quicker than it normally does. On the other side of the spectrum, the opposite is also true: if your battery is taking forever to charge up, it might be time to get a new battery. 

You get fewer hits from your vape 

When your battery starts to die, it produces less power. When it produces less power, the battery isn’t able to heat your cartridge to the same degree. This lower degree produces less vapor, meaning you aren’t able to take massive hits from a dying battery. 

If you notice any of these signs from your battery, it might be time for an upgrade. 


Why does the battery die so fast?

 If your vape pen battery is starting to die more quickly than normal, it may be going bad. It may be time to replace your battery. 

Is it bad to charge your vape with a USB? 

Charging your vape pen with a USB is an effective way to power up your battery. Chargers like theRidge from Vessel are compatible with a USB to USB-C cable for convenience. 

Should I turn my vape off when I’m not using it? 

Yes, preserve your vape pen’s battery by turning it off when you’re not using it. 

Is it bad to leave your vape charging overnight?

Yes, do not leave your vape pen charging overnight, as this will damage your battery. 

How often should I replace my vape battery? 

Replace your battery when you start noticing signs that it is going bad. This usually occurs after 6-12 months of use. 

The bottom line

Though we all wish they did, vape pen batteries cannot live forever. Even so, there are steps you can take to lengthen the lifespan of your vape pen battery. Nevertheless, learning the warning signs that your vape is dying can encourage you to replace it and get the most from your vaping experience.

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