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Bubbles in Vape Cart - What Does It Mean?

Bubbles in Vape Cart - What Does It Mean?

Vape cartridges (or carts) contain vape liquid with nicotine or cannabis extract, flavorings, and other ingredients inside. Insert your vape cart into your vape, turn it on, and your vape will heat the liquid to high enough temperatures with the vape coil inside to produce vapor to inhale.

One thing you may notice, especially if your vape is transparent, is bubbles forming in your vape carts. It may seem weird when bubbles suddenly appear in a vape cart, but it doesn’t mean you have to ditch it for a new one immediately.

Here, we look at where these bubbles come from, what they mean, and what to do when they appear.  

What Are Bubbles in Vape Cartridges?

Henry's Law from 1803 is a gas law formulated by William Henry that states: "At a constant temperature, the amount of a given gas that dissolves in a given type and volume of liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of that gas in equilibrium with that liquid," but this only works if the temperature is constant, too.

Bubbles in vape carts are caused by sudden changes in temperature, like warm weather or hot hands, that cause the liquid to expand, which causes negative pressure and draws air in from outside into the cartridge, which displays itself as bubbles. 

Types of Bubbles in Vape Cartridges

There are a few different types of bubbles you may notice in your vape cart. Here’s what the different bubbles are a sign of. 

Small bubbles

Tiny bubbles usually appear in vape carts during the first use or after refilling. These bubbles form when air is trapped in the cart alongside other ingredients, forming air pockets or temperature changes.

This type of bubble is more common in vape carts containing thicker oil, as it takes longer for bubbles to escape. Small bubbles like this are common and not usually a sign of anything awry with the vape cart. If these bubbles appear every time you hit the vape, then there may be a leak inside. 

Large bubbles

Bigger bubbles can be scarier than small ones, especially those that grow bigger over time. Growing bubbles may be a sign that the oil is low quality, the cartridge is leaking, or the cart hasn’t been properly sealed during manufacturing. 

Constant bubble formation

While bubbles that seem to appear constantly while you use your vape could just be a sign of frequent use or the oil inside being quite thick, they may also indicate that there is a leak in the cart, the wick or coil inside is heating the liquid unevenly and causing bubbles to form, or you are overheating the oil inside by taking big hits. 

Causes of Bubbles in Vape Cartridges

Air trapped during manufacturing or filling

With some factories churning out 1000s of vapes a day, there may occasionally be a lower quality product that beats checks and makes it into your hands. Manufacturers utilize techniques like pre-heating oil, using vacuum-filling systems, degassing the oil used, and inspecting products.

This type of bubble could also be a sign of a cheaper product with lower quality manufacturing standards, especially if the same brand has this issue repeatedly. 

Temperature fluctuations

Bubbles can be caused by changes in temperature that cause the liquid to expand, which causes negative pressure and draws air in from outside into the cartridge. Colder temps cause oil inside to thicken, causing air to contract, while hot temps can cause oil to expand and draw in bubbles.

Changes in oil viscosity

Oil thickness isn’t just affected by the temperature outside. Thicker oil can have more bubbles at first as air is more commonly trapped inside during manufacturing with this type of oil. In comparison, thinner oil doesn’t trap bubbles as severely, and if they do appear, they usually disappear again pretty quickly.

During the manufacturing process, terpenes are added to cannabis vape carts as it is thinner than other oil ingredients to decrease bubbles. Thinning agents can cause more bubbles if the liquid is too thin and more prone to being affected by environmental factors. 

Overfilling or underfilling the cartridge

Just like Goldilocks and her porridge, there is just the right amount of vape juice in a cart to prevent leakage or bubbles from forming. If manufacturers overfill a cartridge, the pressure inside the cart could be too high, and bubbles could form, while underfilling can lead to excess space inside where bubbles commonly form. 

Defective carts or faulty design

Defective carts can slip through some manufacturing plants' rigorous testing and checking processes. After all, these relatively affordable products are intricately designed, and plenty can go wrong.

The most common issues include seals not preventing leakage and the design of the coil being too high or low inside the vape cart,  which can lead to bubbles forming. 

Should You Be Concerned About Bubbles?

When bubbles are normal

Tiny bubbles forming when you first buy a vape, temperature changes causing bubbles in carts, or bubbles forming if you’re a heavy user are all nothing to worry about. Most of the time, these bubbles will go away on their own. You can also try the techniques below to reduce the number of bubbles in your vape cart. 

When bubbles indicate a problem

Larger bubbles or bubbles forming all the time may be a sign of a leak in your cartridge or the coil in your vape is not positioned correctly to extract the right amount of oil. 

Other signs to look for

In addition to bubbles, look out for leaking oil from your vape cart or a decrease in the size or consistency of hits from your vape after changing your cart. These could be an indication that you have a faulty cartridge. 

How to Fix or Prevent Bubbles in Your Vape Cart

Before you head to the store for a new vape cart, try these storage ideas and quick fixes: 

Flick it and see

Give your cart a flick in the upright position to see if this loosens bubbles inside and encourages them to exit. Alternatively, you can leave it for a while to see if it sorts itself out or slightly tilt it to see if the bubbles escape. 

Storing your vape cart correctly

Vapes and vape carts kept at room temperature are less likely to go wrong or have bubbles. To reduce the bubbles forming, avoid exposing your vape to extreme weather swings by leaving it in direct sunlight or in the car overnight. 

Proper usage

Overuse or taking big hits for maximum vape plumes is one way to cause constant bubbling in vape carts. Instead, use your vape less frequently and take smaller hits. 

Choosing high-quality carts

Higher-quality carts will usually come from brands with better quality assurances that use better materials to create vape carts, including higher-quality oils that don’t produce as many bubbles after use. 

When to replace your vape cartridge

If you notice significant leakage, giant bubbles forming, or a decrease in the quality of your hits, it might be time to ditch the vape cart for a new one. 


Bubbles are common in vape carts. They can be caused during manufacturing by changes in temperature, overuse, or through faulty components. Smaller bubbles are usually nothing to worry about and are most commonly formed during manufacturing when air bubbles enter with other ingredients. 

A simple tap on a vape cart or leaving it out of sunlight should eliminate these bubbles. Larger bubbles may be an indication of leakage or a faulty vape cart. Avoid significant temperature changes and be careful with your vape to prevent damage to the vape cart during use. 

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