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8 Best Cannabis Strains For Inflammation

As cannabiscontinues to receive more attention in the health and wellness realm for its therapeutic properties, those attempting to manage chronic discomfort may find relief inthe plant and its potentially helpful benefits. Utilizing cannabis for pain, irritation and inflammation, users have indicated great relief through individual components like CBD, Myrcene and more. And while it can be easy to feel overwhelmed by these details, knowledge is power when it comes to understandinghow to use cannabis for inflammation andfiguring out the very best cannabis strains for inflammationfor you.

Best cannabis strains for inflammation


Cannabinoid profile: Sativa-Dominant 

Main Terpenes: Myrcene, Alpha-Pinene, Limonene

Harlequin is a popular strain amongst medical cannabis users for its extremely high CBD content. Originally cultivated for making concentrates / resin that were high in THC, its breeder — Mr.Green — actually curated a powerful, CBD rich, sativa-dominant strain. Without bringing forth any overwhelming feelings of intoxication or sedation, Harlequin presents a great strain for those seeking relief from pain, inflammation and anxiety. Many believe theseclear-headed, yet uplifted and relaxed feelings are thanks to CBD’s balancing effects on THC and reducing those pesky feelings of paranoia or edginess. With terpenes like Myrcene, Alpha-Pinene and Limonene, Harlequin presents a desirable flavor and aroma: sweet and earthy with hints of citrus. 


Cannabinoid profile: Hybrid

Main Terpenes: Beta-Myrcene, Beta-Caryophyllene, Limonene

A take on the classic strain Girl Scout Cookies (GSC), Cronuts is basically a terpene-enhanced version of the old go-to. With a vibrant purple color, the hybrid strain has a lovely sweet, bready taste and aroma with hints of spice and wood. Packed with terpenes like Beta-Myrcene, Beta-Caryophyllene and Limonene, Cronuts is often enjoyed for reasons similar to GSC — its considerable chronic pain relieving qualities, especially that associated with inflammation. Although becoming more popular thanks to its impressive yield size and terpene profile, if the Cronuts strain can't be found at your local dispensary, GSC can make for a great substitution. 

CBD (Blue) Shark

Cannabinoid profile: Indica

Main Terpenes: Myrcene, Pinene, Limonene

One of the most popular, and arguably best, strains of marijuana for inflammation is CBD Shark or CBD Blue Shark. As an Indica-Dominant strain, CBD Shark provides you with those often desiredphysically relaxing effects, without causing a complete body slump. An equal ratio of CBD to THC helps this strain produce balanced effects. With a unique cannabinoid and terpene combination including Myrcene, Pinene and Limonene — all known for their soothing and uplifting effects — CBD Shark typically besthelps those dealing with aches and pains, anxiety and discomfort caused by skin irritations and inflammation. An herbaceous, fruity aroma and taste meets you immediately to unwind that unwanted tension and discomfort. 

Paradise Waits

Cannabinoid profile: Hybrid

Main Terpenes: Beta-Myrcene, Fenchol, Caryophyllene

A THC-dominant strain made from crossing Scarlet Fair and Harlequin, Paradise Waits is the ideal strain of cannabis for pain that’s physically overwhelming and mentally draining. With a considerable THC content, sometimes up to 29%, Paradise Waits is not for the novice smoker and tends to have powerful effects. While its interesting flavor profile, complete with equal parts musk, earth and citrus, is tasty and desirable, it may be harder to find than some other strains on this list. Grown on the small, organic Scarlet Fire Farms in Northern California, Paradise Waits isn’t always found in your local dispensary. However, strains like Harlequin and other THC-heavy strains make great replacements that still present many of the same pain and inflammation-reducing terpenes and cannabinoids. 


Cannabinoid profile: Hybrid

Main Terpenes: Myrcene, Caryophyllene, Limonene

CBD OG speaks for itself when it comes to packing a considerable CBD punch. Enjoyed by primarily medical marijuana patients for its impressive 2:1 ratio of CBD to THC, CBD OG features two unique CBD-rich phenotypes that sport different pairings. Although not often smoked to get high, CBD OG can still provide relief to those seeking a slight psychological uplifting and physical unwinding. Some users have noted light arousal, increased energy — untethered by heavy feeling of pain or discomfort — and relief from specific ailments / pains like headaches, cramps and muscle spasms. CBD OG’s special 2:1ratio of CBD to THC also makes the strain perfect for novice smokers concerned with how they might react to cannabis for the first time, or those who’re not a fan of more intense highs. 

Charlotte’s Web 

Cannabinoid profile: Sativa

Main Terpenes: Myrcene, Beta-Pinene, Beta-Caryophyllene

Another great high CBD, low THC strain can be found in Charlotte’s Web. Bred specifically with the intention of being used in a variety of health and wellness products, Charlotte’s Web is actually derived from the hemp plant instead of marijuana and is largely non-intoxicating. After becoming popular for its incredible help treating seizures in child Charlotte Figi  — a child feature on CNN’s “Weed 2” — this Sativa strain has become a mainstay in the medical cannabis realm. Because of its incredibly low to nonexistent THC content, Charlotte's Web remains a go-to strain for medicinal marijuana patients looking to use cannabis for pain or cannabis for inflammation, without any sedation or intoxication. This strain can help with many different chronic pain conditions, sleep and even some psychological conditions. Unfortunately this strain is only truly available to medical marijuana patients, as the original strain curators have not sold its seeds for commercial use.

CBD Kush

Cannabinoid profile: Indica-Dominant Hybrid

Main Terpenes: Myrcene, Caryophyllene, Limonene

Like some of the other strains on this list, CBD Kush presents another hybrid with impressive CBD contents. Serving as a 1:1 CBD to THC ratio, made from crossing Kandy Krush and an unknown high CBD varietal, CBD Kush can be a great option for those desiringa balanced sense of relief.  Without causing sedation or intense intoxication, CBD Kush can treat pain, stress / anxiety and inflammation or skin irritation. Often producing an elevated mood, CBD Kush is enjoyed largely for its ability to provide great physical relaxation without clouding the mind. And, thanks to terpenes including the likes of Myrcene, Caryophyllene and Limonene, this Indica-Dominant Hybrid strain also allows for tasty but pungent smoking. 


Cannabinoid profile: Hybrid

Main Terpenes: Myrcene, Beta-Caryophyllene, Limonene

Last on our list is ACDC, known for its extremely high CBD content and extremely low THC content. Perfect for those seeking a strain with essentially no intoxicating effects, ACDC is more known for its ability to treat issues related to pain, the after-effects of chemotherapy and psychological conditions like anxiety. Leaning more toward sativa in its effects, users of ACDC often cite its uplifting effects as helpful in combating the heaviness that’s often dealt with in accordance with chronic pain. With an overall sweet aroma, ACDC usually presents users with a pleasant, juicy citrus taste as well thanks to the presence of Limonene and other terpenes like Myrcene and Beta-Caryophyllene.

To sum it up

Research continues on cannabis’s relationship to inflammation reduction and pain management. But, preliminary research has proven itself increasingly promising — placing cannabis in the center of medical studies and trials. While we gain more information on this front, those currently interested in using marijuana for inflammation can use the above list for guidance. Rich in the right cannabinoids, terpenes and combinations of such can make a huge difference in experience and results. 


Which cannabinoid is best for inflammation?

While it’s difficult to say definitivelywhich cannabinoid isbest for inflammation, many consider CBD, CBG and THCa to possess and express anti-inflammatory properties. However, more research is needed to fully understand if and why these cannabinoids may be more beneficial when working together in harmonythrough the entourage effect, rather than as individual components. Beyond this, every users’ experience can be entirely different, regardless of what the “common” effect is. If you’ve experimented with cannabis before, it may be more helpful to reflect on which strains have helped you in the past, and what cannabinoids are present in those. 

Why is cannabis anti-inflammatory?

Cannabis is considered anti-inflammatory thanks to its unique combination of cannabinoids, terpenes and other organic compounds. For example,CBD has been proven to possess anti-inflammatory properties, and as a component of cannabis aid in issues with inflammation. While further study is necessary to make stronger conclusions, preliminaryresearch has indicated it’s the synergistic reaction of all these components together that can be most beneficial in treating issues / getting the most out of your cannabis use. 

What terpenes are good for inflammation?

As one can infer from the above list, Myrcene has proven itself a helpful asset in using cannabis forinflammation, pain and even insomnia in some cases. With this being said, Myrcene is in good company with Caryophyllene, Limonene and Pinene also serving as popular anti-inflammatory terpenes present in favored cannabis strains. More individually, Caryophyllene — which can also act as a cannabinoid — is enjoyed most for its anti-inflammatory effects, as well aspain andanxiety / depression management. Limoneneelevates your mood while also combating inflammation, as does Pinene in amore calming fashion.

What is the best strain for inflammation?

There exist many different “best” strains for inflammation — this isbased heavily on individual preference. While no strain can be labeled as perfect, you can find one that’s perfect for you through research and experimentation. As mentioned above, if you’ve already explored the world of cannabis a bit, it may be more helpful to consider which strains have helped you / which strains you’ve enjoyed in the past. Finding the parent strains of your favorite hybrids, or exploring the cross breeds created from it can serve as a great jumping-off point. 

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